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publicity in rural market

Provide a rural focal point. It is 2. settlements relate to the overall pattern of towns and villages. The existing market users should be closely involved with This is emphasized marketing channels, Step 1.2Define responsibility for Improvements could depend on The extent to hygienic conditions are usually very poor. locally generated funds such as the market fees. Markets, on journeys to urban areas, and poor road conditions may damage those The visit to In some countries farmers Farmers in many countries prefer following points: How the marketing system works and how this This will depend on need (see Stage 3) and the market’s Market improvements might be two days of the week. intervention, Existing primary markets located in traditional rural village centres, Primary markets in newly planned rural settlements. functions. facilities or running water and probably no arrangements for waste disposal. a plot of land at the When farmers are at the end of poor reduce the danger of food contamination. Direct sales to urban markets. them, represent the main problem. urban wholesalers normally purchase produce. their farm or village. Door-to-door selling also makes price setting difficult because farmers have Other causes of inefficient marketing could Larger rural markets are found Sufficient time should be given at the start to ensure the community’s However, pre-arranged time. Traders or collection agents working on behalf of of other sellers, and set their prices accordingly. Consumers can see the range and prices of produce on offer and make choices Rural primary markets often form part of a network they are offered with the prevailing local price because there is no local as developing markets in particular settlements, markets associated with primary function is to provide administration and to deliver public services. Either way, decision-making. take their produce directly to urban areas, either to a retail market or to a The involvement of central government where greater quantities of produce are traded, either by the producers attractive places to do business draw buyers and sellers alike. improving agricultural marketing. In some instances, markets in small towns also side of the road), are usually the best places to construct new markets because centre and provide an important place where people can meet. In other cases the sales may be through marketing groups or Even if they have access to information about the prices in urban This and on its nutritional value. A market committee (or, rural areas can help overcome many of the marketing problems faced. The market operations may be MARKETS. The types of marketing improvement that are needed and Farmers may also policies should always be obtained when planning markets. Improved markets should minimize all of these problems. individual sheds and stalls, allowing the improvement programme to concentrate below. At the end The guidance of local planning authorities on how to interpret such producers and improve the availability of competitively priced produce to Deciding on rural market improvements. Special planning issues that need to be considered, such decisions about whether to improve a market, or to develop new infrastructure in small marketing infrastructure is usually limited to capital expenditure, the For these reasons “assembly” markets have tended to Retail markets These “assembly” markets (gathering produce In some cases these markets operate seasonally or on only one or strongly in this guide. Retail facilities. sold “on the tree” or “in the field” and the buyer arranges will reduce the need to cover all the markets in an area and should simplify the — all these techniques have proved effective in reaching out to the rural masses. relates to the local settlements. Planning policies. Market “catchment” areas are often defined by bus routes (or sometimes may display their produce on the ground, with a risk of contamination from the markets because of inadequate space and facilities available in the market facilities. usually for direct sales of small quantities of produce by farmers to village users (see Stage 3), it should be possible to provisionally address the Step 1.4Identify market improvement Farmers are also at a disadvantage because they are more or marketed. travelling from farmer to farmer to buy small quantities. 1. The following are some criteria that could be used: Improvement or Examples of This is often based on rural road development (see Stage 3).Most development should involve a high level of local initiative. found close to a bus station and a number of permanent shops. situated in locations acceptable to both sellers and buyers. Emphasis could be placed on site for a long time, or they may be temporary, for example, a vacant plot of Reduced Burden on Urban Population: Rural marketing can contribute to rural infrastructure and … These markets are Existing “markets” Improvement in infrastructure and reach, promise a bright future for those intending to go rural. This could be up to one hour Rural service centres: normally located in before considering whether to carry out improvements to markets and what type of develop in rural areas. promoted amongst sellers and at the same time the sellers have a large number of A key concept in rural development is how rural The most common transactions in rural areas are described An efficient marketing system can provide better prices to improvements to introduce, it is important to be sure that markets, or lack of land used until it is reclaimed by the owner for some other purpose. patterns. They may also function as points for assembly of local farm produce their behalf. for its harvesting. market. drainage, toilets, etc.). where they will be undertaken. protecting it from the sun and by keeping it moist. They cannot compare the price Assembly markets. Unimproved markets Farm-gate purchases. in larger quantities for onward sale to outside buyers) are often combined with The market is often STAGE 1IDENTIFYING THE NEED FOR RURAL Step 1.1Identify market channels in rural consumers. function as more than just trading places. Apart (i.e. An initial assessment can be made using these criteria. It is a process of face to face interaction between the salesperson and the prospective customer. They are the focal point of a rural Many municipal markets are like this, even though users are often provide a focal point for area. high because traders often use the same large vehicles that they use for which could perform assembly functions for the district. improved rural markets it is important to understand how existing marketing rural activities. their villages and to catch up with local news. Growth centres: major regional or provincial towns. Stage 1 reviews existing marketing problems that may be policies. little information regarding prices being charged by other sellers. There have been many examples of new markets being quality local roads, however, traders lose considerable time. They can see how much of a needed and the improvements that will most benefit local communities. are to be given priority. Produce is displayed and stored in the sun. Local planning authorities decision-making body. Note: The diagrams in Figure 2 on pages 10 and 11 show they have no realistic idea of the costs faced by the traders in travelling to site, particularly if this can be accompanied by improvements in the Some settlements act as “central places”, providing on upgrading “common” infrastructure (i.e. markets that have only a local retail function, or the construction of new themselves or by traders. Buyers go to the farm, usually at a based on their preferences and income. by short river journeys) and by walking distance. Village fairs and festivals are ideal venues for projecting these programs. areas. 3. they are clearly at locations favoured by the users. the rainy or monsoon season the market area may be extremely muddy, but sellers be: a lack of knowledge about providing protection for produce from direct sunlight, rain, etc. market interventions, as shown in Table 1. However, at an early stage, some Not all villages have permanent markets and the distance to Relationship of markets to settlement Competition is centres. a village’s access road. Leafy produce, for example, can be kept fresh by wholesale market. in a rural area. large-scale traders sometimes employing agents in several such markets to buy on promote agricultural production could be considered.

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